Step Up 3D (2010)


The story begins in traditional video style, as several of the film's characters are recorded and asked a series of questions about...

Step Up 3D (2010)

The story begins in traditional video style, as several of the film's characters are recorded and asked a series of questions about why they dance. The film then cuts to Moose (Adam Sevani) and Camille (Alyson Stoner) who attend New York University. Moose is majoring in electrical engineering after promising his father that he would not dance anymore. While touring the campus, he sees a pair of Limited Edition Gun Metal Nike Dunks worn by Luke Katcher (Rick Malambri). Moose follows the shoes and then accidentally stumbles upon a dance battle, where he beats Kid Darkness (Daniel Campos) from the dancing crew "House of Samurai". Luke takes him back to his place, an old warehouse converted into a club. Luke shows Moose the House of Pirates, his dance crew, where he later teams up with them to compete in the World Jam dance contest against their rivals, the House of Samurai dance crew. But then, Jacob (Keith Stallworth), a member of House of Pirates, informs Luke that the warehouse will be put up for auction if the overdue rents are not made.

Luke meets a girl named Natalie (Sharni Vinson) at his club and quickly takes notice of her dancing abilities, enlisting her to become part of his crew. However, he is unaware of Natalie's true motives.

Moose finds his time to be increasingly tight as he has to choose between his studies and dance frequently, including once when his test clashes with a dance competition. He decides to go for the test, but upon seeing the test paper and receiving a message from Luke, he rushes to the competition in the nick of time.

Luke and Natalie become increasingly close as the movie progresses, sharing many intimate moments. Luke explains his true intentions with his recordings and dance interviews. Yet, Natalie is hiding the fact that her brother is Julien (Joe Slaughter) the leader of the House of Samurai, and lies about everything but the love connection between her and Luke.

Natalie faces a hard decision torn between her love and her family. She confronts Luke and asks what happened with him and Julien. To her surprise, he says that Julien was a member of the House of Pirates. He had a gambling problem and he once put a wager against the Pirates and then threw away a battle, so the Pirates kicked him out. After arguing with Julien, she decides to leave Luke. Julien then uses her phone to invite Luke for her birthday party. Luke asks Moose to attend the party with him, as he wants a friend with him, but because they have no invitation, they are not permitted to enter. They find a way to get in, Luke sees Natalie on the dance floor and they dance tango. While they are having an intimate moment, Julien takes the chance to appear and reveals Natalie's identity. Luke is angry with Natalie. When Luke arrives back at the warehouse, he finds it is foreclosed. Angry at himself for not being a better leader, he exclaims that the House of Pirates is over, and the crew members go their separate ways.

Meanwhile, Moose and Camille are best friends but Moose does not seem to see that Camille is in love with him. The two fall out during the film because Moose lies to Camille about dancing and she feels like he cannot talk to her anymore. Camille feels that Moose does not have time for her anymore and tells him she misses him and feels like he does not miss her at all. Moose tells Camille that he misses dancing but misses her more and that she is his best friend in the whole world.

The two make up on NYC streets by dancing to a remix of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Camille tells Moose that he can never give up dancing as he was born to do it. Moose then helps out Luke by bringing the House of Pirates back together, and giving him additional members for his crew including Camille and The MSA Crew from Step Up 2: The Streets. They then discover that the former members who left earlier are now performing with the House of Samurai. They also find out Julien is buying their warehouse, but says if they throw the battle, they can have it back. They do not take the offer.

Natalie helps Luke and the Pirates to win the World Jam at the end with the routine they had practiced in the past. She invites him to come with her to California, which he does at the end of the film, meeting her at the train station and kissing her just as Moose kisses Camille. Before leaving for California with Natalie, Luke gives Moose a pair of Limited Edition Gun Metal Nike Dunks which he saw at the beginning of the film, symbolizing that he has been left in charge of the group. The film ends with Moose saying "Let's party, people!" to the crew.

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Subtitle Step Up 3D (2010)
Subtitle Step Up 3D (2010)
Subtitle Step Up 3D (2010)
Subtitle Step Up 3D (2010)
Subtitle Step Up 3D (2010)
Subtitle Step Up 3D (2010)



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Step Up 3D (2010)
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