Step Up Revolution (2012)


The movie begins on Ocean Drive in Miami, Florida. A flashmob, later identified as 'The Mob,' shuts down Ocean Drive by cutting...

Step Up Revolution (2012)

The movie begins on Ocean Drive in Miami, Florida. A flashmob, later identified as 'The Mob,' shuts down Ocean Drive by cutting off the streets with retro convertibles and dancing on cars to music blasted by DJ Penelope (Cleopatra Coleman). A few hours later, Sean (Ryan Guzman), Eddy (Misha Gabriel), and Jason (Stephen "tWitch" Boss), the leaders of the Mob, watch their latest flashmob air on the news in a restaurant kitchen where they work. A few complain about their public disturbance, while others praise it. After they get off work, they sneak into the Dimont Hotel's beach club (where they work), claiming to be guests, not employees.

Meanwhile, across the club at the bar, Emily (Kathryn McCormick) tries to get the waiter's attention, but ends up preparing her own beer. Sean, who is immediately smitten by her, asks for a beer. Emily instead heads down to the beach to dance, resulting in a dance battle between the two, but ending when Emily suddenly runs off, mirroring Cinderella.

The next day, Emily and her dad Bill Anderson (Peter Gallagher) argue over breakfast at the Dimont Hotel. Sean, their waiter, immediately recognizes her, but Emily spills her orange juice in an attempt to distract Sean. In an angry fit, Emily storms off, and Sean immediately follows her into the hotel's ballroom, where Emily begins a fast contemporary dance, oblivious to Sean's presence. After Emily notices Sean and warms up to him, she explains to him that she's trying to nail an audition for the prestigious Winwood Dance Academy. Sean advises her to incorporate faster, more interesting moves, but Emily declines, saying that there are rules. Sean, in turn, tells her to break the rules, giving her an address and telling her to come there. Emily does and finds herself at the Miami Museum of Fine Arts, where the paintings and statues come to life, which is work of the Mob. By telling her to attend, Sean basically reveals to her his participation in the Mob.

The next day, Emily persuades Sean to let her take part in their next Mob, which is scheduled to hit a restaurant the following week. Eddy immediately dislikes Emily, giving her the lead to test her. The flashmob goes well and Eddy admits that Emily did great. Emily and Sean then sneak onto a boat Sean had reserved for himself to sail down the river. There, they kiss and sleep on the boat until morning, when they hurry back to Sean's uncle's bar, Ricky's. Ricky reveals to them that Emily's dad, a building tycoon, is planning to develop the slums, destroying Ricky's bar, Sean's home, and many other things.

Sean, Emily, Eddy, and Penelope then lead the Mob in various protest Mobs. Eddy finds out that Emily is Bill's daughter, and reveals to Bill that Emily is a part of the Mob. This ruins relationships for Emily with Sean (romantically), Eddy (friendly), Bill (trustfully), and the rest of the Mob. Emily had rehearsed her Winwood audition piece as a duet with Sean. Now that she and Sean are estranged, she no longer has him as a dance partner. Instead, she tries to adapt the piece, dancing it as a solo performance. The result falls flat and she fails her audition for Winwood.

After Eddy and Sean are sent to jail for being caught in the flashmob, Ricky bails them out and Eddy and Sean make up. They then Mob the development public announcement, with the help of past Step Up characters including Moose (Adam Sevani). Bill decides to build up the community rather than tear it down. Sean and Emily kiss passionately and make up, and Eddy and Sean makes a deal with the owner of the marketing firm that represents Nike for the Mob to dance in the commercials.

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Subtitle Step Up Revolution (2012)
Subtitle Step Up Revolution (2012)
Subtitle Step Up Revolution (2012)
Subtitle Step Up Revolution (2012)
Subtitle Step Up Revolution (2012)
Subtitle Step Up Revolution (2012)



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Step Up Revolution (2012)
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