The movie opens with a scene from a high classes graduation, class of 2014. Jade Butterfield (Gabriella Wilde), a shy but beautiful y...
Jade, her parents Hugh (Bruce Greenwood) and Anne (Joely Richardson), and her brother Keith (Rhys Wakefield) take a look at an upscale restaurant for lunch after the graduation. While exiting the auto, Jade bumps into David, who works as being a valet at the restaurant. David mentions how they were classmates and she demands him to sign her empty yearbook. Inside the restaurant, Jade asks her parents for the party as a graduation provide since she hasn't socialized with her peers before. After the woman parents approve, Jade excitedly invites David to her party. Immediately after accepting her invite, David brings her over a brief joy ride in the auto of a snobby guest which insults him, which thrills Jade. She and her family furthermore observe David getting fired so you can get into a physical altercation while using pretentious client when they go back.
Jade's requested party disappoints her initially when only her father's affluent, middle-aged friends show up. David arrives and informs Jade that her former classmates have another graduation party occurring in which same evening. David gets a huge crowd of their peers to go to Jade's party by filing a false noise complaint while using police, which effectively shuts down the opposite event. The party becomes roaring success, and after bonding that night time, Jade and David sneak right closet to share a make out. Hugh, slightly upset with the presence with the teenagers, gathers everybody together for the speech about how proud he could be of Jade. When called pertaining to, Jade sheepishly comes out with the closet followed by David, beautiful everyone. Her father completes the particular toast, thanking everyone for coming then politely asking all those meals to leave.
While leaving, Jesse introduces himself and apologizes to be able to Hugh, aware of his bad first impression. He makes it clear to him he truly cares for Jade. Jade secretly listens to this conversation in the house and smiles at the words. As David leaves, Jade runs after him for the passionate kiss, beginning their relationship.
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