The particular film opens with Jafar, Grand Vizier for the Sultan of the fictional sultanate associated with Agrabah, attempting to re...
Jafar, disguised just as one elder, releases Aladdin and Abu on the dungeon and leads them for the Cave of Wonders, promising a reward in substitution for retrieving the lamp. The tiger-shaped head on the cave allows them to enter but warns these phones touch nothing but the table lamp. Aladdin and Abu find any magic carpet. Aladdin obtains the lamp but Abu's attempt to steal a gem backfires and causes the cave to fold. The carpet flies them returning to the entrance and Aladdin offers the lamp to Jafar, who then tries to kill him. Abu then thwarts Jafar and steals back the lamp while he, the carpet, and Aladdin fall into the cave just as the idea closes.
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