This film opens with Sebastian Valmont (Robin Dunne) conversing with his soon-to-be ex-principal and this principal's insistence on...
Sebastian afterwards begins school. While waiting to find out his new headmaster, he runs into Danielle Sherman (Sarah Thompson), who's, unknown to him, Headmaster Sherman's daughter. A school assembly follows, demonstrating Kathryn delivering a speech to be able to her classmates, but being persistently interrupted by uncontrollable hiccups from the student, who then begins to choke around the gum that she was chewing in a very bid to stop her hiccups. The girl with saved by the quick actions of Danielle who performs this Heimlich maneuver, allowing the pupil to expel the gum, which results flying into Kathryn's hair. A meeting of a secret society regarding student elites presided by Kathryn comes about, deciding upon the fate from the new students. This leads these to Cherie, the student with this hiccups. It is then found that Cherie's family is wealthier when compared with that of Kathryn; this, along with the events of the assembly, cause Kathryn to find a vendetta against Cherie.