Winter's Tale (2014)


In 1895, a young immigrant couple is refused entry into Manhattan because they have consumption. When their infant son is not allowed e...

Winter's Tale (2014)

In 1895, a young immigrant couple is refused entry into Manhattan because they have consumption. When their infant son is not allowed entry to the country without them, the couple decide to place him in a model sailboat named "City of Justice" to float there safely.

In 1916, the infant boy has grown up to be Peter Lake (Colin Farrell), a thief raised by a supernatural demon posing as the gangster Pearly Soames (Russell Crowe). Peter is marked for death when he decides to leave Pearly's gang. In a confrontation, he is rescued by a mysterious white horse, his guardian angel. Although Peter hopes to move to Florida and come back in the summer, the horse encourages him to steal from one last mansion. The mansion is the home where Beverly Penn lives, a young woman dying of consumption. While her publisher father Isaac and younger sister Willa are not home, Beverly discovers Peter preparing to commit robbery of the house. When he assures her that he no longer wishes to commit robbery, she offers to make him a cup of tea. They tell each other about their stories and fall in love.

Pearly orders his men to Beverly’s home, believing that saving her is Peter's "miracle" and spiritual destiny. Peter rescues Beverly and they escape to the Lake of the Coheeries, where Pearly, who is supernaturally limited to the five boroughs of New York, cannot follow. Peter meets Beverly’s family at their summer home and wins their respect. While on a walk, Beverly explains to Peter that everyone is born with a miracle inside which are destined to become stars when they die.

Pearly asks the devil, Lucifer (Will Smith), for access to the lake home, but his request is denied. Instead, Pearly, who refers to himself as a Knight among Lucifer's angels, calls in a debt owed to him by another of Lucifer’s angels. At a ball, a man poisons Beverly's drink. When she returns home, Peter sneaks up to her tent. The two have sex and she suddenly dies. After the funeral, as Peter and his mysterious white Horse are about to leave, Pearly and his men surround them on the Brooklyn Bridge. Peter orders his mysterious winged Horse to fly away, and Pearly gives Peter four vicious head-butts pushing him off the bridge. Peter miraculously survives, but wanders around the city with amnesia for a century, drawing chalk art of a red-headed girl on the pavements.

In 2014, Peter bumps into a girl named Abby and meets her mother, Virginia Gamely. He rediscovers the "City of Justice" plaque from the toy sailboat his parents placed him in. Peter then discovers the Theatre of the Coheeries, founded by Isaac who has dedicated it to Beverly. He goes to the library where Virginia works and she helps him get his memory back using historical photographs archived at the library. While there, he meets the grown up Willa, who is the boss of Virginia's newspaper. Abby has a seizure, revealing that she has cancer. Realizing that Abby, not Beverly, is his "miracle" and spiritual destiny, Peter convinces Virginia that he can save Abby.

When Pearly learns that Peter is still alive and with Virginia, he again sends his gang in pursuit. Pearly and his men arrive at their apartment, causing Peter and Virginia to flee to the rooftop with Abby. The mysterious winged horse flies them to the Lake of the Coheeries, but Pearly has become mortal to pursue Peter. After Horse dispatches Pearly's men, Peter and Pearly engage in a fistfight and Peter stabs Pearly with the "City of Justice" plaque. Pearly turns to ice and Peter is able to save Abby. After visiting Beverly's grave one last time, Peter mounts the horse to be carried away to the stars.

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