Nine years following the events of the show's 3 rd season, former teenage sleuth Veronica Mars possesses left the fictional town...
Despite her professions that her stay are going to be brief and she will not sign up, Veronica begins to investigate this circumstances of Carrie's death. In the course of her investigation, Veronica is dragged to her ten year high school graduation reunion by friends Wallace Fennell and Cindy "Mac" MacKenzie. There, she learns that former outlaw biker Eli "Weevil" Navarro has become a reformed family man. Over the reunion, Veronica realizes Carrie's murder is attached to the death of her best ally, Susan Knight, who disappeared away a boat at sea nine years earlier. After a bogus is played against Veronica, a fight breaks out and the reunion quickly breaks up following the sprinklers go off. Veronica attends a good after party and speaks together with Dick Casablancas, Luke Haldeman and his fiancée Gia Goodman, and Stu "Cobb" Cobbler, who were with Susan and Carrie on the boat the night Susan disappeared. At the same time, while driving home from this reunion, Weevil stops to guide a driver being harassed through bikers, only to be shot with the driver, a nervous Celeste Kane. The sheriff's department plants a gun making sure that Celeste can claim self-defense, and Keith agrees to prove Weevil's chasteness.
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