Ali Rose (Christina Aguilera) works as a waitress at a bar in Iowa and when her boss refuses to pay her, quits her job and moves to Los...
Ali Rose (Christina Aguilera) works as a waitress at a bar in Iowa and when her boss refuses to pay her, quits her job and moves to Los Angeles. Once in L.A., she fails at every audition for which she tries out until one night, she finds herself unknowingly in a burlesque club when she hears the music on the street and catching a glimpse of one of the dancers on break. She finds Tess (Cher) and the dancers performing “Welcome to Burlesque” and decides to pursue a career on stage once she meets Jack (Gigandet), a bartender at the club, who is also a song-writer. Jack refers her to Tess for an audition, but is rejected instantly and ushered out by Sean (Tucci). Instead of leaving, Ali notices the club staff is short-handed and overworked, so she shrugs and begins serving customers, while Tess and Sean observe with Jack asking Tess to give Ali a chance and hire her as a waitress.
Ali takes the position, studying all the dance numbers while waiting tables. Since she has no place to stay, Jack offers Ali his couch until she finds a place of her own. Ali accepts, thinking Jack is gay. Ali comes to find that Jack is not gay, and is engaged to Natalie (Agron), who is currently starring in a play in New York. Ali feels uncomfortable staying with Jack knowing that he is not gay and leaves his apartment. However, Jack receives a call from Natalie after Ali leaves, telling him that her play has been extended and she'll be gone for several more months. Jack chases after Ali, asking her to stay and help him with the rent, to which Ali agrees—as long as she gets the bedroom.
When Georgia (Hough) becomes pregnant, auditions are held to replace her. Ali begins her audition when everyone leaves, and after performing "Wagon Wheel Watusi", persuades Tess to allow her to become one of the club's dancers, much to the annoyance of Nikki (Bell), an arrogant and snobbish performer who is always late and caught drinking before numbers. Although the club appears to be doing well, Tess is still unable to pay the bank and is at risk of losing the club, co-owned with Vince (Gallagher), Tess's ex-husband. Meanwhile, a wealthy businessman, Marcus (Dane), who is also a regular customer and fan of Nikki, has been trying to buy the club from Tess, who refuses to sell, even though Vince thinks she's making a mistake.
On a night when Nikki has had too much to drink, Tess tells Ali that she will take Nikki's place, which infuriates Nikki incredibly. In a first attempt to sabotage Ali, and the show in general, Nikki tells the DJ that Tess needs to see him immediately. When he leaves his booth, Nikki pulls a plug on the sound board, successfully interrupting the music and stopping the show. Since all of the numbers are lip-synced, Tess tells Sean (Tucci), the club's manager, to lower the curtain, but Ali begins to sing the song herself. The live band slowly begins to play along with her, leaving the entire club in awe of Ali's voice.
After the show, Tess praises Ali and tells everyone that she is going to rewrite the show around Ali, who will now sing live, believing that Ali is the ticket to boosting sales and getting her club out of debt. This infuriates Nikki even more than before because it was Nikki herself that originally suggested that performers sing live, only to be dismissed by Tess, saying: People come here to see beautiful boys and girls lip-sync to the stars. When reminded of her so-called rule, Tess replies matter-of-factly that people WILL come to hear Ali sing with a voice like that.
This is also the time when Marcus basically ditches Nikki and takes notice of Ali, so Nikki is even more antagonistic towards Ali, who enjoys her newly found popularity; indulging in attention and expensive gifts from Marcus.
Cher re-enacting a scene from Burlesque during her 2014 Dressed to Kill Tour
While Jack is still engaged to Natalie, there is obvious chemistry between Ali and Jack, and Jack becomes jealous of all the time she's been spending with Marcus, and eventually takes back his bedroom since she's never home anyway. Tensions grow stronger when Ali antagonizes Jack about not finishing any of his songs, nor letting her hear any of them. One night after the club closes, Tess, worried with the club's economic prospects, sings "You Haven't Seen the Last of Me".
Feeling more than a little put out after her three attempts at sabotage all backfire on her, a very jealous Nikki shows up drunk and picks a fight with Tess, calling Ali a "slut with mutant lungs". Tess, who has grown frustrated with Nikki, defends Ali and questions her own gratitude for the help she has received from Tess. Angered, Nikki quits on the spot, and falsely confesses that she slept with Vince after his and Tess' honeymoon. The altercation ends when Tess angrily retaliates by smashing the passenger side window on Nikki's convertible with a crowbar.
At Georgia's wedding, Jack appears to call off his engagement to Natalie while on the phone with her and winds up getting drunk. That night, Ali and Jack sleep together, but the following morning Natalie returns unexpectedly from New York and tells Ali that she and Jack are still together. Jack denies this, and while trying to fix things, he asks Ali to leave. Feeling heartbroken and betrayed, Ali runs to Sean for support, who prompts her to go with Marcus after she receives a call from him. Jack tracks Ali down at Sean's, but Sean tells him he's too late.
While spending time with Marcus, Ali learns about "air rights", which refers to buying the empty space above a building so that nothing can be built above a certain height. Ali breaks things off with Marcus after she sees his plans to build a skyscraper on the property the club is on. Trying to patch it up with Nikki, she finally realizes what a manipulator Marcus is, and how he will only take people under his wing in order to use them until they are no longer useful. Hurt and stung by this, Nikki returns home for some contemplation.
Tess has just made the rounds of the bankers once again in desperation, and finding no sympathy, comes in with a nearly-empty bottle in her hand. Ali returns to the club and brazenly tries to tell Tess of Marcus's plans, but she is rebuffed. Storming into her office, Ali accuses her of being so narcissistic she can't see straight.
Torn between aggravation from a subordinate telling her the truth and the attraction of seeing Ali as her younger self with the same determination that got her to where she is today (both good and bad), Tess allows Ali to explain about Marcus' devious plans. Together they go across the street from the club to inform the owner of the new million-dollar condos being built there that the million-dollar views he's been advertising will be ruined by the skyscraper that Marcus plans on building in the club's place if she sells to him, unless he agrees to buy her air rights immediately before Marcus can get his project off the ground. Fearing the loss of business that would result from the obstruction of his prospective tenants' view, he purchases the air rights to the club's property.
The resulting money is enough for Tess to buy out Vince's share, pay off the bank, and re-fashion the club to her own vision. Nikki also reappears, apologizing to Tess and admitting she lied about sleeping with Vince. Tess accepts her apology and rehires her. Ali finds out about Nikki and Marcus, and the two girls begin a tenuous bond over being wronged by the same man which blossoms into a true friendship.
Jack finds Ali in the dressing room preparing for a number, apologizes and tells her that it's over with Natalie and he wants to be with her. Ali forgives him and the dancers perform one last number, "Show Me How You Burlesque", a song finally finished by Jack and sung by Ali.
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