What to Expect When You're Expecting (2012)


Set in Atlanta, the film opens with fitness trainer Jules Baxter (Cameron Diaz) and her dance partner Evan Webber (Matthew Morrison) pe...

What to Expect When You're Expecting (2012)

Set in Atlanta, the film opens with fitness trainer Jules Baxter (Cameron Diaz) and her dance partner Evan Webber (Matthew Morrison) performing on the TV show, Celebrity Dance Factor. They are crowned the winners of the show, but Jules vomits in their trophy, discovering that she is pregnant. Jules struggles when trying to balance her pregnancy with her normal active life. She has an ongoing argument with Evan over whether or not to have their son circumcised. During labor, she chooses not to have an epidural. She had a girl called Emerson, meaning their debate didn't matter anymore. After giving birth, Jules and Evan get engaged.

Photographer Holly (Jennifer Lopez) can't conceive children, and decides to adopt from Ethiopia with her husband Alex (Rodrigo Santoro). They decide to buy a new house for the baby. Holly sends Alex to hang out with the "Dude's group", a group of fathers who walk around the park and support one another, which was founded by Vic Mac (Chris Rock). Alex feels even more nervous to become a father. Holly loses her job and becomes hurt when she realizes how much Alex is unprepared for a child. However, they eventually go to Ethiopia and adopt a baby boy named Kaleb.

Wendy Cooper (Elizabeth Banks) runs a breast feeding boutique called The Breast Choice, and has been trying to have a baby with her husband Gary (Ben Falcone) for two years. She eventually does conceive and shares the news with Gary after taking five pregnancy tests. Wendy, who had planned her pregnancy which would be magical and happy, felt awful throughout it. During a convention she was chosen to speak at about the miracle of childbirth, she begins to breakdown and bursts out into a speech about how much the process sucks. Her outburst is filmed and becomes a viral hit on YouTube. Her boutique is flooded with customers afterward. After many labor-inducing activities, she goes to the hospital only to find out that she has to have a cesarean section, against the birth plan she typed. After giving birth, she loses a large amount of blood but is okay, giving birth to a boy named Theo.

Ramsey Cooper (Dennis Quaid), a famous race car driver and Gary's father, is married to a younger woman named Skyler (Brooklyn Decker). During a lunch where Wendy and Gary announce their pregnancy, Ramsey and Skyler also announce that they are expecting. Unlike Wendy, Skyler cruises through her pregnancy without issues. She becomes the envy of Wendy, who begins to detest her ease. However, soon after Skyler gives birth to twin girls, she is seen struggling with their crying. The babies' names are revealed secretly at the baby shower, being on two banners reading "Aia" and "Nia".

Rosie Brennan (Skyler's cousin) (Anna Kendrick) meets an old highschool friend named Marco (Chace Crawford) who she thinks is a player. They have sex once, resulting in a pregnancy. Worried at first, they eventually adjust to the idea of becoming parents and move in together. However, Rosie discovers that she is bleeding one night, and drives to the hospital with Marco. They find out that she miscarried. Devastated, Rosie tells Marco to leave, which he does. However, they eventually get back together and decide to take things slow.

At different points in the film, certain characters meet others. Ramsey is Gary's father, and Gary was on Jules' weight loss program. Skyler is Rosie's cousin, and Holly is Wendy and Skyler's photographer.

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Subtitle What to Expect When You're Expecting (2012)
Subtitle What to Expect When You're Expecting (2012)
Subtitle What to Expect When You're Expecting (2012)
Subtitle What to Expect When You're Expecting (2012)
Subtitle What to Expect When You're Expecting (2012)



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What to Expect When You're Expecting (2012)
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