Lucy (2014)


Lucy is a 25-year-old American woman living and studying in Taipei, Taiwan. She is tricked into working as a drug mule by her new boyf...

Lucy (2014)

Lucy is a 25-year-old American woman living and studying in Taipei, Taiwan. She is tricked into working as a drug mule by her new boyfriend, whose employer is a Korean mob boss and drug lord named Mr. Jang. Lucy delivers a briefcase to Mr. Jang containing a highly valuable synthetic drug called CPH4. Lucy is captured and a bag of the drug is forcibly sewn into Lucy's abdomen and that of others who will also transport the drug for sales in Europe. While Lucy is in captivity, one of her captors kicks her in the stomach, breaking the bag, releasing a large quantity of the drug into her system. As a result, she begins acquiring increasingly powerful mental talents and enhanced physical capabilities, such as absorbing information instantaneously, telekinesis, mental time travel, and can choose not to feel pain or other discomforts, in addition to other abilities. She kills off her present captors and escapes.

Lucy travels to a nearby hospital to get the bag of drugs removed from her abdomen. The bag is successfully removed, and Lucy realizes that she requires the bags inside the other three drug mules in order to continue expanding her neural capacity and that the process of rapid cell growth the drug is stimulating will eventually kill her. Returning to Mr. Jang's hotel, Lucy assaults him and telepathically extracts the locations of all three drug mules from his mind.

At her shared apartment, Lucy begins researching her condition and contacts a well-known scientist and doctor, Professor Samuel Norman, whose research may be the key to saving her. After Lucy speaks with the professor and provides proof of her developed abilities, she flies to Paris and contacts a local police captain, Pierre Del Rio, to help her find the remaining three packets of the drug. Her powers continue to grow, leaving her able to mentally disable an entire police force and the men who made her a drug mule. Lucy recovers the drug and must hurry to meet Professor Norman, with whom she agrees to share everything she now knows, after he points out that the main point of life is to pass on knowledge. Jang and the mob also want the drug and a gunfight ensues with the French police.

In the professor's lab, Lucy gives a speech about the nature of time and life and how people's humanity distorts their perceptions. At her urging, Lucy is intravenously injected with the contents of all four remaining bags of CPH4. Her body begins to change color and spread over computers and other objects in the lab, as she gains energy to create a supercomputer that will contain all of her information about the universe. She then begins a spacetime journey, eventually reaching the oldest discovered ancestor of mankind, implied to be Lucy, and touches fingertips with her. Meanwhile, back in the lab, Mr. Jang enters and points a gun at Lucy's head from behind, intending to kill her. He shoots, but in an instant before the bullet strikes, Lucy disappears within the space time continuum, where she explains that everything is connected and existence is only proven through time. Only her clothes and the supercomputer are left behind. Del Rio enters and fatally shoots Mr. Jang. Norman takes a flash drive from the advanced supercomputer created by Lucy's body. Del Rio asks Professor Norman where Lucy is, and gets a text message: "I AM EVERYWHERE." An overhead shot of Mr. Jang's body follows with Lucy's voice heard off-screen: "Life was given to us a billion years ago, and now you know what to do with it."

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Lucy (2014)
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