Footloose (2011)


After a long night of partying, Bobby Moore and four of his friends drive over a bridge and, not paying attention, crash into a truck...

Footloose (2011)

After a long night of partying, Bobby Moore and four of his friends drive over a bridge and, not paying attention, crash into a truck, killing them instantly. His father, Shaw Moore (Dennis Quaid), the reverend of the church of the small Southern United States town of Bomont, Georgia, persuades the city council to pass numerous paternalistic laws, including a ban on all unsupervised dancing and music within the city limits as well as a by-law curfew. The city council agrees, prohibiting the music and the dancing.

Three years later, Ren McCormack (Kenny Wormald), a teenager raised in Boston, moves to Bomont to live with his uncle, aunt, and cousins after his mother's painful death from leukemia. Soon after arriving, Ren makes friends with Willard Hewitt (Miles Teller), a fellow senior at Bomont High School, and learns from him about the ban on dancing and music. He soon begins to become attracted to Moore's rebellious daughter Ariel (Julianne Hough), who is dating dirt-track driver Chuck Cranston (Patrick Flueger), whose father owns the local race-track. After an insult from Chuck, Ren ends up in a game involving buses, and despite his inability to drive a bus, he wins. Reverend Moore distrusts Ren, preventing Ariel from ever seeing him again, even blaming Ariel's rebellious attitude on him. Ren and his classmates want to do away with the law and have a senior prom.

After a while, Ariel begins to fall in love with Ren and breaks up with Chuck, telling him she's sick of him treating her like dirt. In result, he insults her by calling her a slut and knocks her down when she tries to hit him. He tries to drive away, but she starts to demolish his truck with a pipe, resulting in Chuck assaulting her, bruising her face. After hearing of Ariel's beaten condition, Moore meets up with Ariel and his wife, Vi (Andie MacDowell), at the church and immediately thinks Ren had assaulted his daughter. When he declares he wants Ren arrested, Ariel tells him that he can't blame everything on Ren just like he did with Bobby, who died in the car crash. She goes on to say how Bobby spent his entire life trying to make him proud, such as getting good grades and always going to church, but he was never good enough for him. Now no one remembers the good things about Bobby, only the accident and ban on music and dancing his death caused. After she bitterly reveals to not being a virgin, Moore slaps her across the face, prompting Ariel to flee from the church. Moore tries to apologize, but her mother goes after her telling him that he's "done enough". Vi is supportive of the movement to allow dancing and explains to Moore he cannot be everyone's father, and that he is hardly being a good father to Ariel. She also says that dancing and music are not the problem.

Ren goes before the city council and reads several Bible verses, given to him by Ariel, that describe how in ancient times people would dance to rejoice, exercise, celebrate, and/or worship, hoping to lift the dancing ban. Meanwhile, Ren also teaches Willard how to dance. The city council votes against him. Seemingly beaten, Ren returns to daily life. One day while working he is approached by his boss Andy who hatches a plan to have the dance in the city of Basin instead. When Ren responds that he wants the dance in Bomont, Andy informs him that his cotton mill is just outside Bomont's city limits. Once the plans are set, Ren goes to see Moore knowing that Moore still has enough influence to pressure the parents not to let their teenagers come. Ren tells Moore that even though they denied the motion to dismiss the law, they cannot stop the teenagers from having the first senior prom, which has always been denied. He then asks him respectfully if he can take Ariel. Moore, after some thought, lets Ariel go and makes amends with his wife and daughter, better understanding things.

On Sunday, Shaw asks his congregation to pray for the high school students putting on the prom. Not long after Ren and Ariel arrive at the prom, Chuck and several of his friends ride up, intent on beating up Ren and Willard for an earlier fight in the movie. However, Ren and Willard fend them off along with Rusty and Ariel's help. Ren then flings some confetti into a shredding machine and yells, "Let's dance!" The movie ends with everyone dancing in the barn to the song from the opening credits, "Footloose".

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Subtitle Footloose (2011)
Subtitle Footloose (2011)



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Footloose (2011)
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